Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our Majestic Bird!

An amazing creature!

Johnathan took these pictures about 2 miles away from home!

Can you believe it?

A brief moment of sunshine!

Looking for earthworms.

   Hello again. There has been a lot going on around here the past few days. A lot of out door play followed by a lot of indoor play and not much napping for the little one. The highlight of the week so far has been watching my girls find some new life outside. We've discovered a mama bird who has decided to use the rain spout outside our living room window to build her nest. It really is incredible to see how much material this little bird has used so far. The children have taken an interest in bird watching as well and wouldn't you be surprised to hear that my Tory came bounding up the stairs the other day to tell me about the bald eagle flying over our house and to "look quick before he flies away!" To my amazement she was right and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A majestic being for sure! Lily has started to point out the cry of a dove and tries to coo back to them. She can also point them out. I am so excited to see where this new interest takes us.
       What life have you seen this week?

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